Selected events:
The Young Propagators Society (2021) forthcoming event series in my new role at the YPS
Datasets: Sorting Things Out (postponed from 2020) exhibition combining professional and student artworks exploring classification systems and the nature of categorising, to take place at Camberwell Space
The Future of Storytelling (Oct 2019) Nesta ‘Late’ event at the Barbican Conservatory
The Garden at FutureFest (Jul 2018) flagship show garden art installation for Nesta FutureFest at Tobacco Dock, working with RHS award-winning landscape designers London Glades. As part of leading this project, I curated a bespoke series of on-site talks on a wide range of approaches to the relationship between people and plants, including speakers from organisations such as the RHS, Svalbard Global Seed Vault, from charities such as Mind and Groundworks, public figures like guerrilla geographer Daniel Raven-Ellison and Michelin Award-winning chef Nurdin Topham, and artists, academics and city planners.
Future Frankensteins, (Jul 2018) panel discussions for FutureFest on the nature of scientific progress and on fictional narratives and science, including speakers such as Dr Patricia Fara, Dr Günes Taylor and Dr Kanta Dihal.