

Selected publications:

On the Young Propagators Society, SSAW Journal (Jun 2021). I wrote an article about our mission at YPS and why propagation matters, published in SSAW Collective’s journal.

A Visual Journey to Georgian Bay, The Young Propagators Society website (Jan 2021). Visual journal post on the flora, fauna and fungi of Georgian Bay, Ontario

Mark-making, glyph, word: magic, language and AI, in ‘Language Games’ Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 23 Issue 1, MIT (forthcoming 2021). Journal article co-authored with Anna Ridler, out for review

On GANs and Mimesis, in ‘Arte e Intelligenza Artificiale’, Jacabook (Nov 2020). Book chapter, English publication forthcoming

The relationship between artistic activities and digital technology development, EPRS Scientific Foresight Unit (May 2019). Report commissioned by European Parliament Research Service, co-authored with John Davies while at Nesta

It’s the end of the week as we know it, Nesta website and launch event (Dec 2018). ‘Predictions’ blog post on the history and future of the four-day week and alternative working practices

Drone Swarms and Digital Shamans, Nesta website (Oct 2018). Blog post reviewing Ars Electronica, the world’s largest festival of art, technology and society

Seeding alternative futures, Nesta website (Jul 2018). Blog post exploring our attitudes to ‘nature’ and how to forge new relationships with the plant world

Experimental Culture: A horizon scan for the arts and culture sector, Nesta (Mar 2018). Strategy report commissioned by Arts Council England, group-authored while at Nesta 

Fairy Tales and Machine Learning: Retelling, Reflecting, Repeating, Recreating, ARC issue 21 (May 2018), republished in Interalia ‘AI and Creativity’ issue (Sep 2019). Art/literature magazine article co-authored with Anna Ridler

Artist + AI = Creativity², Nesta website and launch event (Dec 2017). ‘Predictions’ blog post on creative practice and machine learning

Fairy tales as a medium for looking at methodologies of compiling training sets for image captioning programs, for ‘Data Publics: Investigating the formation and representation of crowds, groups and clusters in digital economies’, Lancaster University, (Mar 2017). Conference paper co-authored with Anna Ridler