Selected works:
The Lockdown Gardening Archive (May 2020 - ongoing) community-building and storytelling project on social media and digital platforms. Contributions from gardeners across the world (UK, Brazil, India, Iceland, Belarus, Syria, Australia, Japan, Kuwait and many others) and some higher-profile contributors such as #blackbotanistsweek co-founder Dr Nox Makunga and TikTok influencer ‘Garden Marcus’ create a living portrait of horticulture today.
Autumn Waters (Dec 2017) print series and video work for group show at By Other Means Gallery
O Time thy pyramids, (Jun 2017) series of calligraphic drawings and giclée prints created using machine learning at the RCA Show
The map is not the territory, (May 2017) video artwork and presentation funded by the Institute of Physics and in collaboration with the University of Bristol Centre for Quantum Photonics, at White City Space and the V&A
Anthology of the Algorithmic Self I & II, (Nov 2016) data-mediated poetry anthologies and installation in group project Spheres of Influence with RCA Systems Research Group at ACAVA
Communal Table (Mar 2016) process-led project using locally-sourced reclaimed materials to construct dining furniture and host a themed dinner and discussion with guests from the community, for residency and group exhibition The Wick in Layers at arebyte Gallery
Canary in the Mine, (Feb 2016) interactive artwork using brass miner’s lamp and birdsong recordings of now extinct species
By the Light of Stars, (Jan 2016) fulldome projection in association with cosmologist Dr Andrew Pontzen (UCL) for the Royal Observatory Greenwich Planetarium. Co-created with Anna Dakin & Ruiheng Sun
Stitch by Stitch, (Sep 2015) embroidery artwork and workshop on epigenetics and the representation of data in science for The Reading Room’s Open Platform series at the Wellcome Collection. With Dr Peter Hill (MRC/Imperial)